Take the time to install your Moses Neck correctly

It is true that the average wood replacement neck is installed with less work, However, this is generally due to the lower expections for outcome of the purchasers or those necks. For those who prefer a wood neck to be set-up to the same close tolerances of the Moses C/F neck, they will put more effort into the wood neck installation than that required for the Moses. The wood neck will also require effort to maintain those tolerances, whereas the Moses neck will not. In essense, the Moses neck is overall easier to install and set-up to a highly refined spec, due to the trueness and stability of the fingerboard, coupled with refined fretwork. For those who do not need low action, do not mind some fret noise, do not want to take the time to dial in the nut to insure excellent playability and are willing to put up with a neck that moves around, the average wood neck is fine. Specifically regarding installation of the self-tapping threaded heel mount inserts: with some attention to detail, and ideally a drill press or a good eye with a hand drill, the Moses neck installation is logical and no problem. Installation and maintenance instructions are on the Moses website, accessed by going to any neck model page, clicking on the blue Moses Neck Details words in the upper right and clicking on that catagory in the Table of Contents. We at Moses Carbon Graphite USA are also available to answer installation questions when needed. Email us with questions anytime: orders@mosesgraphite.comthreaded inserts

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  • Over the past 29 years Moses has satisfied a tremendous variety of music industry carbon fiber-based instrument neck applications.

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